February 11, 2025
Board of Supervisors
On October 22, 2024 (24), the Board of Supervisors (Board) directed the Chief Administrative Officer to return to the Board in 120 days with key findings and options for Board consideration for developing a firearm procurement ordinance. The Board directed an evaluation of operational and administrative impacts related to, at a minimum, the inclusion of the following vendor requirements in an ordinance:
a. Proof of compliance with applicable state and federal laws, including permits and certificates,
b. Documentation of firearm trace requests received within the past five years,
c. Documentation of thefts from the vendor's premises within the past five years,
d. Submission of inspection reports conducted by federal, state, or local agencies,
e. Disclosure of violations from inspections related to the purchase, transfer, manufacturing, or sales of firearms conducted by any federal, state, or local agencies,
f. Documentation of policies and practices concerning the following:
i. Preventing, detecting, and screening for the transfer or sale of firearms to firearm traffickers,
ii. Preventing sales to individuals prohibited by federal, state, or local law, or court order,
iii. Preventing theft of firearms,
iv. Training employees to ensure compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations,
v. Assisting law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prevention of criminal access to firearms, and
vi. Operation of digital video surveillance systems.
Staff evaluated each requirement option against existing federal, state, and local law as well as industry standards to determine the operational and administrative feasibility of implementing that requirement as part of the procurement process. Staff also reviewed existing firearm procurement ordinances from other jurisdictions and...
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