File #: 21-632    Version: 1
Type: Land Use and Environment Status: Passed
File created: 9/1/2021 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - LAND USE
On agenda: 9/15/2021 Final action:
Attachments: 1. Bonsall Community Park BL revised, 2. Approval Log Bonsall Park, 3. Attachment A Vicinity Map Bonsall, 4. Attachment B CEQuA Addendum to EIR, 5. 2021 Sep 15 Minute Order 03



September 15, 2021




Board of Supervisors








Since 2008, the County of San Diego has acquired 717-acres along the San Luis Rey River between Interstate 15 and the old Olive Hill (Bonsall) Bridge in northern San Diego county, of which 545-acres are preserve land and 172 acres can be developed with active recreation.  Bonsall Community Park Project is comprised of 63-acres. This site, formerly known as San Luis Rey Downs Golf Course, was acquired as one of two active recreation sites within the San Luis Rey River Park (SLRRP). This would be the first public park for the Bonsall community, offering much needed outdoor recreation. DPR hosted three public meetings to receive input from the community, which helped shape this park design. Amenities for the park include multiuse pathways, soccer fields, baseball/softball fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, restrooms, playgrounds, bike skills park, skate park, picnic areas, and a dog park. Upon completion of these projects and the opening of the park to the public, annual operations and maintenance of the park will be provided by the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). Due to the size of the park and number of new amenities, four additional full-time positions will be needed.


The FY 2021-22 Operational Plan included appropriations of $24,950,000 for the entire SLRRP. The intent was $1,000,000 would fund Bonsall Bridge Staging Area and $23,950,000 would fund Bonsall Community Park. However, $2,000,000 was inadvertently appropriated for Capital Project 1023730 SLRRP Bonsall Bridge Staging Area. Today’s requested action will allocate the funding by establishing appropriations of $1,000,000 based on the transfer from Capital Project 1023730 Bonsall Bridge Staging Area to Capital Project 1021895 SLR Moosa Active Recreation Node (Bonsall Community Park).


Today’s requested action will also authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting, to advertise and award a construction contract for the Bonsall Community Park project estimated at $23,450,000 including contingency. $1,027,000 will be used for design and environmental review. The remaining project funding of $500,000 will be used for project related expenses including inspections, permitting, monitoring, construction management and project administration. The total project will cost $24,977,000.  If approved, project construction will begin winter 2021 with construction completion in summer 2023. Ongoing costs, addition of 4.0 full-time staffing positions, start-up costs and funding sources will be included and identified in the FY 2022-23 Operational Plan.




1.                     Find that the Addendum to the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the San Luis Rey River Park Master Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 2006051074), on file in the Department of Public Works has been completed in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and State and County CEQA Guidelines, that the Board of Supervisors has reviewed and considered the information contained in the FPEIR and Addendum thereto dated August 27, 2021 on file (Attachment B) prior to approving the project, and that the Addendum reflects the independent judgement and analysis of the Board of Supervisors; and


Find that there are no changes in the project, proposed project, or in the circumstances under which the project is undertaken that involve significant new impacts which were not considered in the previously certified FPEIR dated September 24, 2008, that there is no substantial increase in the severity of the previously identified significant effects, and that no new information of substantial importance has become available since the FPEIR was certified as explained in the Environmental Review Update Checklist Form dated (August 27, 2021).

2. Transfer appropriations of $1,000,000 within the Capital Outlay Fund and related Operating Transfer In from the General Fund to fund construction costs for Capital Project 1021895 SLRRP Moosa Active Recreation Node (Bonsall Community Park) based on a transfer from 1023730 Bonsall Bridge Staging Area.


3. Authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to advertise and award a construction contract and take any other action authorized by Section 401 et seq. of the Administrative Code and Public Contract Code section 22160-22169, with respect to contracting for the construction of the Bonsall Community Park project.


4. Designate the Director, Department of Parks and Recreation, as the County of San Diego Officer responsible for administering the construction contract for the construction of Bonsall Community Park project in accordance with Section 430.4 of the County Code of Administrative Ordinance and Board Policy F-41, Public Works Construction Projects.



The Department of Parks and Recreation has a goal of 3-acres of parkland per 1,000 residents to provide equitable access to outdoor recreation throughout the region. Currently, Bonsall has zero acres of public parkland and no active recreation amenities. The development of Bonsall Community Park within the San Luis Rey River Park will close this critical gap for the nearly 10,000 residents of Bonsall and provide a regional park option for surrounding communities. Parks encourage sharing of cultural traditions, history, and resources within communities through events and celebrations. Community members are able to recreate together in this shared space. According to the County of San Diego Parks Master Plan, last updated in 2020, the Bonsall Community Plan Area (CPA) is projected to have an increase in Hispanic and Asian residents and a decrease in White residents by 2040. In addition, population density is also projected to increase by over 51% in the northern half of the Bonsall CPA by 2040. Providing more park space for active and passive recreation will benefit all community members and will be critical as the population density increases.



Funds for this request are included in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Operational Plan for the Capital Outlay Fund. If approved this request will result in estimated construction costs of $23,450,000 for Capital Project 1021895 SLR Moosa Acquisition and Improvement. $1,027,000 will be used for design and environmental analysis. The remaining project funds of approximately $500,000 will be used for project-related expenses including inspections, permitting, construction management and project administration. The total cost of the project will be $24,977,000. The funding sources are available prior year General Fund Fund Balance ($11,790,000), General Purpose Revenue ($13,150,000), and Park Land Dedication Ordinance 36 ($37,000). Today’s request will result in no change in General Purpose Revenue and no additional staff years.


Upon completion of these projects and the opening of the park to the public, annual operations and maintenance of the park will be provided by DPR. The total annual ongoing cost for operations and maintenance are estimated at $552,000 for the following:  $210,000 for services and supplies and $342,000 for the addition of 4.0 full-time equivalent positions (1 Supervising Park Ranger, 1 Recreation Program Coordinator and 2 Park Maintenance Workers). One-time start-up costs would also be needed and are estimated at $155,000 for park vehicles, equipment, and tools. Ongoing costs, staffing, start-up costs and funding sources will be included and identified in the FY 2022-23 Operational Plan. 







On December 12, 2020, the Bonsall Community Sponsor Group (CSG) provided its Park Land Dedication Ordinance (PLDO) priority list, and this project was ranked #1 on the list. The project has been on the CSG’s PLDO priority list for the past six years.



In 2004, DPR began preparation of the Master Plan for the San Luis Rey River Park (SLRRP) along an 8.5-mile stretch of the San Luis Rey River between Interstate 15 and the old Bonsall Bridge in northern San Diego county. The SLRRP Master Plan established a framework for the creation of a river park that incorporates passive trails and active recreation amenities, as well as habitat preservation for riparian and upland areas. The proposed 1,600-acre SLRRP will provide unique opportunities for connections to and appreciation of cultural and biological resources, such as sensitive riparian habitat, diverse wildlife, indigenous cultures, and local history. To date, approximately 717-acres of land have been acquired for the river park. 


The proposed Bonsall Community Park, formerly known as the San Luis Rey Downs Golf Course or SLR Moosa, is part of the greater SLRRP and located near the intersection of Highway 76 and Camino Del Rey. Currently, the community of Bonsall does not have any County-owned active parkland or park amenities. To address this, the County acquired 63-acres of the former San Luis Rey Downs Golf Course in 2015 to develop a park for Bonsall. The first public workshop for the park was hosted on April 29, 2019 to understand community desires and preferred amenities for the new park. There were 131 participants at this meeting and 672 community members took the survey. A second public workshop was held on October 3, 2019 to present concept plans and receive community feedback. There were 70 participants at this meeting and 582 community members took the survey. A third public meeting was hosted virtually on November 5, 2020 to present the final concept to the community and answer questions. There were 76 participants at this meeting and 86 questions and comments were addressed. At present, DPR is finalizing construction documents for the park. Amenities for the park were chosen as a result of community input and site analysis and include multiuse pathways, soccer fields, baseball/softball fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, restrooms, playgrounds, bike skills park, skate park, picnic areas, and a dog park.


Upon completion of these projects and the opening of the park to the public, annual operations and maintenance of the park will be provided by DPR. The park will operate seven days a week, from sunrise to sunset. New staff are needed to provide building and grounds maintenance, customer service, field allocation, diverse programming, and essential health and safety park services. Due to the size of the park and number of new amenities, four additional full-time positions will be needed. The total annual ongoing cost for operations and maintenance are estimated at $552,000 for the following:  $210,000 for Services and Supplies and $342,000 for the addition of 4.0 full-time equivalent positions (1 Supervising Park Ranger, 1 Recreation Program Coordinator and 2 Park Maintenance Workers). One-time costs are estimated at $155,000 for park vehicles, equipment, and tools. 


The FY 2021-22 Operational Plan included appropriations of $24,950,000 for the entire SLRRP. The intent was $1,000,000 would fund Bonsall Bridge Staging Area and $23,950,000 would fund Bonsall Community Park. However, $2,000,000 was inadvertently appropriated for Capital Project 1023730 Bonsall Bridge Staging Area. Today’s requested action will allocate the funding by establishing appropriations of $1,000,000 based on the transfer from Capital Project 1023730 Bonsall Bridge Staging Area to Capital Project 1021895 SLR Moosa Acquisition and Improvement (Bonsall Community Park).


Today’s requested action will also authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting, to advertise and award a construction contract for the Bonsall Community Park project estimated at $23,450,000 including contingency. Prior year appropriations of $1,027,000 will be used for design and environmental. The remaining project funding of $500,000 will be used for project related expenses including inspections, permitting, monitoring, construction management and project administration. The total project will cost $24,977,000. If approved, project construction will begin winter 2021 with construction completion in summer 2023.




On September 24, 2008 (10) the Board of Supervisors approved the San Luis Rey River Park (SLRRP) Master Plan and certified the associated Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FPEIR) (SCH 2006051074) for the SLRRP. Several sites were identified in the Master Plan as being suitable for Tier A (Active Recreation) uses.


In August 2014, San Luis Rey Downs Enterprises LLC closed a 180-acre 18-hole golf course that had been operating for 62 years in Bonsall. San Luis Rey Downs Enterprises offered to sell the County a portion of the former golf course, including the Bonsall Community Park site, due its location within the planning boundaries of the SLRRP. The Bonsall Community Park site is located within the Core Study Area of the SLRRP Master Plan and associated FPEIR, but was not part of the Proposed Project, as the closure of the former golf course was not anticipated. Additionally, the project site was not identified in the SLRRP Master Plan or FPEIR as one of the potential Tier A (active recreation) sites; however, the disturbed nature of the property as well as the long history of recreational use on the site makes it a suitable location for a Tier A recreation site.


A subsequent Environmental Review Update Checklist for Projects with Previous Environmental Documents was prepared pursuant to Section 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines to evaluate the proposed project changes. The analysis within the checklist demonstrates that no additional significant impacts would result from implementation of the proposed project, including proposed project changes not previously analyzed. The proposed action is to be taken in furtherance of the Master Plan objectives and is consistent with the activities contemplated and analyzed in the certified FPEIR. There has been no substantial change in the project or circumstances under which the project was undertaken, and no new information of substantial importance is available that would result in new or more severe impacts than those previously analyzed. Therefore, no additional environmental review is required. An Addendum to the previously certified FPEIR was prepared pursuant to Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines to document the proposed project changes.














The proposed actions support the Sustainable Environments/Thriving Initiative in the County of San Diego’s 2021-2026 Strategic Plan by promoting an environment where residents can enjoy parks, open spaces, and outdoor experiences.





Respectfully submitted,


Deputy Chief Administrative Officer



Note: Due to the size of the attachments, the documents are available online through the Clerk of the Board's website at <>.


Attachment A- Vicinity Map

Attachment B - CEQA Addendum






REQUIRES FOUR VOTES:                                          Yes                                          No



                     Yes                                          No


PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTIONS:  On September 24, 2008 (10), the Board of Supervisors approved the San Luis Rey River Park (SLRRP) Master Plan and certified the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report. On November 18, 2015 (01) the Board of Supervisors approved the purchase of APNs 126-230-14, -67, and 126-060-43 from San Luis Rey Down Enterprises, LLC for the appraised value of $3,166,275. This 60.31 acre purchase became the site for Bonsall Community Park along with the 2.77 acres from APN 126-060-82. On January 13, 2021 (04) The Board of Supervisors approved a resolution authorizing DPR to apply for, and accept, up to $4,200,000 from the Statewide Park Program’s fourth round of grant funding administered by the Office of Grants and Local Services, $3,000,000 of which was for Bonsall Community Park. In addition, this request authorized the Director, DPR, or designee, to conduct all negotiations and to execute and submit all documents that may be necessary to apply for and accept the grant funds.


BOARD POLICIES APPLICABLE: Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement  Board Policy F-41, Public Works Construction Projects


BOARD POLICY STATEMENTS: Click here to enter text.




ORACLE AWARD NUMBER(S) AND CONTRACT AND/OR REQUISITION NUMBER(S): Capitol Project 1021895 SLR Moosa Acquisition and Improvement


ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Department of Parks and Recreation



Department of Purchasing and Contracting Auditor and Controller




Brian Albright, Director, Parks and Recreation


David Norgard, Chief, Development











