File #: 25-004    Version: 1
Type: Land Use and Environment Status: Passed
File created: 12/20/2024 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - LAND USE
On agenda: 1/8/2025 Final action:
Attachments: 1. DPW BL SR125 Otay Mesa Road FMA UPDATED, 2. A72, 3. 1 8 25 SR 125 EA Signed, 4. Attachment A Freeway Maintenance Agreement with County of San Diego, 5. 01082025 ag01 Ecomments, 6. 01082025 ag01 Speakers, 7. 01082025 ag01 Minute Order



January 8, 2025




Board of Supervisors








This is a request to approve a Freeway Maintenance Agreement (FMA) to define maintenance responsibilities between Caltrans and County related to specific facilities located within the State’s right-of-way in the unincorporated area. On February 23, 2000, the California Transportation Commission added State Route (SR) 125 South to the State freeway system.  On January 16, 2002 (10), the County of San Diego (County) entered into a Freeway and Cooperative Agreement with California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to define the responsibilities of each agency for closure, relocation, construction and maintenance of roads in the unincorporated area that will be affected with the construction of SR 125 South project (Project) in East Otay Mesa. In January 2024, Caltrans completed the construction of the Project.


The County will have maintenance responsibility for portions of Otay Mesa Road within the State’s right-of-way to ensure ongoing access and safety for the public. A right-of-way is defined as an area designated for use as a public street, including the travel portion of the street, the shoulders, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, utilities, drainage facilities, traffic signs and any other improvements. Caltrans will continue to maintain all its freeway facilities in its right-of-way, including freeway surfaces, on and off-ramps, and bridge structures. This is a request to approve a Freeway Maintenance Agreement (FMA) for the Project to define maintenance responsibilities between Caltrans and County related to facilities located within the State’s right-of-way, consistent with the 2002 Freeway and Cooperative Agreement.







1.                     Find that the proposed activity is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(3) and 15378. Section 15060(c)(3) specifies that activities which do not cause a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment are not considered "projects." Since entering into the freeway maintenance agreement (FMA) will have no impact on the environment, it does not meet the definition of a project and is therefore not subject to CEQA review.


2.                     Approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board and the Director, Department of Public Works to execute, upon receipt, four copies of the State Route 125 Otay Mesa Road FMA 11-8403 with Caltrans.



Otay Mesa Road is an important route to connect to new and future developments in the East Otay Mesa area. These developments will provide jobs and support other economic opportunities to serve East Otay Mesa, which is an underserved community. Through the County of San Diego’s (County’s) partnership with Caltrans, Caltrans completed the construction of State Route 125 South (Project), which included a new overpass spanning Otay Mesa Road, with north and southbound access ramps connecting to Otay Mesa Road. These actions will provide connectivity to the community members in these new developments.



Today’s action will support the County’s sustainability initiatives of the by ensuring the proper maintenance of County roads. Maintaining County roads has benefits to sustainability in terms of the economy, environment, social health, and well-being. Maintaining roads in a timely manner prevents more costly maintenance treatments in the future, thereby supporting economic sustainability. Well-maintained roads allow vehicle owners to use fewer resources for vehicle maintenance and operation providing social sustainability benefits. Drainage improvements proposed in this action, such as rehabilitating culverts, curbs, and gutters contribute to the County's sustainability goals to improve water quality and extend the useful life of facilities, by protecting County-maintained roads from costly and resource-intensive repairs.



Funds for this request are included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Operational Plan in the Department of Public Works, Road Fund. If approved, the estimated fiscal impact associated with the approval of the State Route 125 Otay Mesa Road Freeway Maintenance Agreement is approximately $5,000 per year for ongoing maintenance starting in FY 2024-25. The funding source is State Highway User Tax Account (HUTA). There will be no change in net General Fund cost and no additional staff years.








County staff have engaged with community groups, including the Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce and the East Otay Mesa Property Owners Association on this agreement.  No comments, questions or concerns have been raised by the community regarding these improvements.



In 1984, the San Diego Association of Governments added State Route (SR) 125, from SR 905 to SR 54 to the Regional Transportation Plan as part of San Diego’s future freeway system. This section of freeway is commonly referred to as SR 125 South (Project). On January 19, 1988 (43) the Board approved a multi-agency Memorandum of Understanding to prepare environmental and route location studies for the Project. Over the years, the County of San Diego (County) has participated in preparation of these studies and provided comments to Caltrans regarding selection of an alignment for the Project.


On February 23, 2000, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) added the Project limits to the State freeway system. Several alignment alternatives and design concepts were developed and reviewed for the Project. On February 23, 2000 (2.2c), the CTC certified the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and approved the final alignment for the Project. On June 9, 2000, the EIR was certified, and Federal Highway Administration approved a Record of Decision for the proposed Project.


On January 16, 2002 (10), a Freeway Agreement was approved by the County Board of Supervisors to be executed between California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the County for the Project. The purpose of the Freeway Agreement was to define the responsibilities of each agency for the closure, relocation, adjustment, and requirements for future maintenance of roads in the unincorporated area that were affected by the Project. The County will have maintenance responsibility for County roadway facilities, including those that are within the State’s right-of-way, and Caltrans will continue to maintain all its freeway facilities in its right-of-way, including freeway surfaces, on and off-ramps, and bridge structures.


On November 18, 2020 (10), Freeway Maintenance Agreement (FMA) 11-8343 for portions of the SR 125 was approved by the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors, executed between Caltrans and the County, which covers 13 locations between mile markers 5.7 and 11.4. This FMA (FMA 11-8343) is separate to the FMA (FMA 11-8403) being proposed and remains unchanged.


In January of 2024, Caltrans completed the construction of the Project in East Otay Mesa. Caltrans is requesting that a single FMA be executed for the Project located at mile marker 0.74 to define the County’s and Caltrans’ maintenance responsibilities. Under this FMA, the County will maintain the westbound segment of Otay Mesa Road within the State’s right-of-way. This includes approximately 0.18 miles of road pavement and 0.17 miles of curb, gutter, and sidewalk, as shown in Attachment A. Caltrans will continue to maintain all its freeway facilities in its right-of-way, including freeway surfaces, on and off-ramps, and bridge structures.


Projects located within East Otay Mesa and in the vicinity of the new bridge are primarily industrial, warehouse and storage, and include infrastructure and services such as energy generation and distribution, fire, and sheriff facilities. This is a request to approve the FMA to define maintenance responsibilities for State and County facilities located within the State's right-of-way.



California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) excludes certain activities from CEQA review if they do not qualify as "projects" under CEQA Guidelines Section 15378. This exclusion applies to organizational or administrative activities of government entities that will not result in direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical changes to the environment, thus not triggering CEQA review.


No new roads or facilities are proposed as part of this action. Today’s action does not constitute approval of a specific project or guarantee that any projects will be constructed. Therefore, the proposed action qualifies as an organizational or administrative activity exempt from CEQA review under Section 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. Any future projects will be subject to further CEQA review prior to construction.



Today’s proposed action supports the Community initiative in the County of San Diego’s (County) 2025-2030 Strategic Plan by maximizing resources through community partnerships to benefit the region. The County’s coordination with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and local developers helps fulfill this initiative by clearly defining the County’s and Caltrans’ maintenance responsibilities associated with the County roadway that is within the State's right-of-way.










Respectfully submitted,

Dahvia Lynch

Deputy Chief Administrative Officer



A. Freeway Maintenance Agreement with County of San Diego